Exchanging views With other legislative fellows of Bangladesh and USAWith Nicole Fisher, senior policy advisor at HIS networkDr. Purabi is answering the question of the women on cervical cancerDr. Purabi is doing free pelvic examination, pap smear of a womanDr. Purabi is giving knowledge on female reproductive tractDr. Purabi is talking on cervical cancerDr. Purabi is answering the question of the women on cervical cancerwith the volunteers of Dr. Purabi's help desk (2)with the volunteers of Dr. Purabi's help desk women are hearing the lecture of Dr. Purabiwomen are hearing the lecture of Dr. Purabi on cervical cancerdrpurobia lecture on cervical cancer screening and prevention among the community health workersa lecture on cervical cancer screening and prevention among the community health workersA lecture on cervical cancerat a training program with the community health workerwith the students of Atadi school after giving health educationAt a community health center New Orleans, LA, USAAt University of Michigan with the community outreach coordinator, comprehensive cancer center, University of MichiganVisiting a community health center in New Orleans, LA, USAWith the CEO of Project CURE at their ware house, Colorado,USAWith the CEO of Project CURE, Colorado,USAWith the Deputy executive directer , Global health initiatives, Washington DC, USAWith the rethinkers at New Orleans, LA, USAtraining of the trainersA lecture on menstrual hygiene among school girls and their trainers in NarayangonjA lecture on menstrual hygiene among school girls and their trainers in NarayangonjTaking souvenirspeaking at a workshop on SDGSpeaking as an example of empowered women infront of school girlsGiving health tips among the school girls The Works of Dr.Purabi’s Help Desk Dr.Purabi's Help Desk Dr. Purabi is answering the question of the women on cervical cancer download tiktok live studio